Lahar Simulation - Santa Ana Volcano 50milm3 (2)
Lahar Simulation - Santa Ana Volcano 100milm3 (3)
Lahar Simulation - Santa Ana Volcano 150milm3 (4)
Lahar Simulation - Santa Ana Volcano 200milm3 (5)
Lahar Simulation - Santa Ana Volcano 250milm3 (6)
Lahar Simulation - Santa Ana Volcano 300milm3 (7)
Lahar Simulation - San Vicente (Ciudad de San Vicente) Volcano 50milm3 (8)
Lahar Simulation - San Vicente (Ciudad de San Vicente) Volcano 75milm3 (9)
Lahar Simulation - San Vicente (Ciudad de San Vicente) Volcano 100milm3 (10)
Lahar Simulation - San Vicente (Ciudad de San Vicente) Volcano 250milm3 (11)
Lahar Simulation - San Vicente (Norte) Volcano 100mil (12)
Lahar Simulation - San Vicente (Norte) Volcano 300mil (13)
Lahar Simulation - San Vicente (Norte) Volcano 500mil (14)
Lahar Simulation - San Vicente (Norte) Volcano 1millon (15)
Lahar Simulation - San Vicente (Sur Zacatecoluca) Volcano 100milm3 (16)
Lahar Simulation - San Vicente (Sur Zacatecoluca) Volcano 150milm3 (17)
Lahar Simulation - San Vicente (Sur Zacatecoluca) Volcano 250milm3 (18)
Lahar Simulation - San Vicente (Sur Zacatecoluca) Volcano 500milm3 (19)
Lahar Simulation - San Miguel Volcano 25milm3 (20)
Lahar Simulation - San Miguel Volcano 50milm3 (21)
Lahar Simulation - San Miguel Volcano 100milm3 (22)
Lahar Simulation - San Miguel Volcano 300milm3 (23)
Lahar Simulation - Conchagua Volcano 25 mil m3 (24)
Lahar Simulation - Conchagua Volcano 50 mil m3 (25)
Lahar Simulation - Conchagua Volcano 75 mil m3 (26)
Lahar Simulation - Conchagua Volcano 100 mil m3 (27)
Lahar Simulation - Berlin Volcano 2500m3 (28)
Lahar Simulation - Berlin Volcano 7500m3 (29)
Lahar Simulation - Berlin Volcano 15000m3 (30)
Lahar Simulation - Berlin Volcano 35000m3 (31)
Lahar Simulation - Apaneca Volcano 5 mil m3 (32)
Lahar Simulation - Apaneca Volcano 10 mil m3 (33)
Lahar Simulation - Apaneca Volcano 25 mil m3 (34)
Lahar Simulation - Apaneca Volcano 50 mil m3 (35)
Lahar Simulation - Apaneca Volcano 75 mil m3 (36)
Lahar Simulation - San Salvador Volcano 10milm3 (37)
Lahar Simulation - San Salvador Volcano 25milm3 (38)
Lahar Simulation - San Salvador Volcano 50milm3 (39)
Lahar Simulation - San Salvador Volcano 100milm3 (40)
Tephra Fall (Balisticos) - San Miguel Volcano - Scenario 1 (Escenario1-balisticos-Poly) (42)
Tephra Fall (Balisticos) - San Miguel Volcano - Scenario 2 and 3 (Escenarios2-3-balisticos) (43)
Tephra Fall (Balisticos) - San Salvador - Scenario 1 (Escenario1) (44)
Tephra Fall (Balisticos) - San Salvador - Scenario 2 (Escenario2) (45)
Tephra Fall (Balisticos) - San Salvador - Scenario 3 (Escenario3) (46)
Ash - Santa Ana Volcano - Scenario 1 (CaidaCenizaEscenario1_Union) (47)
Ash - Santa Ana Volcano - Scenario 2 (CenizaEscenario2-Union) (48)
Ash - Santa Ana Volcano - Scenario 3 (August) (Escenario3EpocaLLuviosa-Union) (49)
Ash - Santa Ana Volcano - Scenario 3 (January) (Escenario3EpocaSeca-Union) (50)
Ash - San Salvador Volcano - Scenario 1 (SSAshScen1_MLG) (51)
| 5.000000 - 50.000000 |
| 50.000001 - 100.000000 |
| 100.000001 - 500.000000 |
| 500.000001 - 1000.000000 |
| 1000.000001 - 1500.000000 |
| 1500.000001 - 2000.000000 |
| 2000.000001 - 3000.000000 |
Ash - San Salvador Volcano - Scenario 2 (SSAshScen2_MLG) (52)
| 10.000000 - 730.000000 |
| 730.000001 - 1460.000000 |
| 1460.000001 - 2185.000000 |
| 2185.000001 - 2915.000000 |
| 2915.000001 - 3640.000000 |
| 3640.000001 - 4370.000000 |
| 4370.000001 - 5100.000000 |
Ash - San Salvador Volcano - Scenario 3 (SSAshScen3_MLG) (53)
| 5.000000 - 50.000000 |
| 50.000001 - 100.000000 |
| 100.000001 - 500.000000 |
| 500.000001 - 1000.000000 |
| 1000.000001 - 1500.000000 |
| 1500.000001 - 2000.000000 |
| 2000.000001 - 3000.000000 |
Ash - San Miguel Volcano - Scenario 1 (CenizasEscenario1-Union) (54)
Ash - San Miguel Volcano - Scenario 2 (CenizasEscenario2-Union) (55)
Ash - San Miguel Volcano - Scenario 3 (CenizasEscenario3-Union) (56)
Lava - San Miguel Volcano - Scenario 1 (Lavas-Escenario1-Poly) (58)
Lava - San Miguel Volcano - Scenario 2 (Lavas-Escenario2-Poly) (59)
Lava and Tephra - Santa Ana Volcano (NuevoLavas) (60)
| <all other values> |
| 0 |
| Lava |
| Tephra (Balisticos) |
Lava - San Miguel Volcano - Scenario 3 (Lavas-Escenario3-Poly) (61)
Pyroclsastic Flows (Flujos Piroclasticos) - San Miguel Volcano - Scenario 1 (FP-Escenario1-Poly) (63)
Pyroclsastic Flows (Flujos Piroclasticos) - San Miguel Volcano - Scenario 2 (FP-Escenario2-Poly) (64)
Pyroclsastic Flows (Flujos Piroclasticos) - San Miguel Volcano - Scenario 3 (FP-Escenario3-Poly) (65)
Pyroclastic Flow (Flujos Piroclasticos) - San Salvador - Scenario 1 (FP_Escenario1_LCC) (66)
Pyroclastic Flow (Flujos Piroclasticos) - San Salvador - Scenario 2 (FP_Escenario2_LCC) (67)
Pyroclastic Flow (Flujos Piroclasticos) - San Salvador - Scenario 3 (FP_Escenario3_LCC) (68)
Pyroclastic Surge (Oleadas Piroclasticos) - San Salvador - Scenario 1 (OP_Escenario1) (70)
Pyroclastic Surge (Oleadas Piroclasticos) - San Salvador - Scenario 2 (OP_Escenario2) (71)
Pyroclastic Surge (Oleadas Piroclasticos) - San Salvador - Scenario 3 (OP_Escenario3) (72)
Gas and Fume Emissions - Santa Ana (Gases-Nuevo) (74)
Flooding 1:25k - SNET (76)
| <all other values> |
| |
| Agua |
| Moderada |
| Alta |
| Muy alta |
| a |
250m_Buffer_Inundaciones (77)
Flooding Below Dams - Cerron Grande to 5 Noviembre Flooding - CEL (78)
Flooding Below Dams - 5 Noviembre to 15 Septiembre Flooding - CEL (79)
| <all other values> |
| Plana de inundación |
| T10 |
| T50 |
| T100 |
Flooding Below Dams - Lower Lempa - CEL (80)
| 3,750 m3/s / Inundación de 2 Años |
| 7,000 m3/s / Inundación de 10 años |
| 9,800 m3/s / Inundación de 50 años |
| 11,000 m3/s / Inundación de 100 años |
| 13,700 m3/s / Inundación de 500 años |
AmplifiedPGA500 (82)
| 0 |
| 0 - 464.1800695 |
| 464.1800696 - 553.2009048 |
| 553.2009049 - 674.0148955 |
| 674.0148956 - 810.7254639 |
RockType (94)
| <all other values> |
| |
| Rocas Duras |
| Rocas Suaves |
| Suelos consolidados |
| Suelos no consolidados |
Landslide Within 100m of Very High Susceptibility (97)
Landslide Within 1000m of Very High Susceptibility (98)
Landslide Susceptibility - Vector (99)
| <all other values> |
| Low |
| Moderate |
| High |
| Very High |
Susceptibility to Flash Floods and Landslides (101)
| <all other values> |
| |
| Flash floods |
| Flash floods and landslides |